The n.shira paper story

Our story is one that God began writing way before either of us, the co-founders, ever knew it. We attended the same high school and were in the same dorm, but lost touch after graduation. Seven years later, in 2018, we reconnected at an event in Accra; a chance meeting that was truly life-changing for us both. 

While catching up after that event in June 2018, we started discussing our love for journals, and it was then that we discovered our common passion - creating inspiring stationery. What started as a casual conversation, turned into more serious deliberations and discussions, and before we knew it, n.shira paper became a reality.

The name “n.shira” is a stylised and phonetic representation of the word “nhyira,” which means “blessing” in Fante, a Ghanaian language that we both speak.

It is our sincere prayer that whoever comes into contact with our brand - whether for a moment or for a lifetime - will be blessed beyond measure by it. For this reason, everything about this brand is curated and signed off by our Lead Strategist, Head Creative Director and Architect - God. 

All of our products are made with you in mind - you matter to God, and so you matter to us. We’ve made it our business to help you hear God better, connect with Him deeper, and fulfill your purpose always. At n.shira paper, we wholeheartedly believe in writing down your vision to make it clear, and partnering with God to ensure that you are living the best life that He designed for you.

We are elated and privileged that you are a part of our journey as it continues to unfold.

Be blessed always,

                                                              - The n.shira paper team